Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Drone Program Will Dismantle Our Freedoms

How many freedoms are the American people willing to give up for so-called security? How many Draconian laws, passed by our so called "representatives," are we willing to tolerate before screaming? "Enough is enough!" Well the answer to those two questions is: It may already be too late.

In January, Congress, with the support of Rep. Goodlatte and Sens. Warner and Webb, passed HR 658 which gives the Federal Aviation Administration the go-ahead to use thousands of unmanned drones to basically spy on the population of the United States. Obama, without comment, signed the bill on Feb. 14.

Since Obama signed the bill, hundreds of drones have already begun flying over the U.S. to spy on and monitor our population. ABC news has reported: "Drones can carry facial recognition cameras, license plate scanners, thermal imaging cameras, open WiFi sniffers and other sensors. And they can be armed."

Thousands of civilians have been killed with these kind of drones in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan and elsewhere. The government estimates that as many as 30,000 drones will be deployed over the U.S. within the next 10 years.

The Department of Defense has reported that this massive drone infrastructure, with 110 drone launch sites, is already being erected within the U.S., with billions of tax dollars being allocated (we pay for our own chains in this country).

The so-called "war on terror" has destroyed our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Our representative government now sanctions: detention without trial, torture, warrant less spying and now a multibillion-dollar program that prepares the U.S. government for a confrontation with its own population.

You have to wonder: Who really runs our so-called representative government?
Via: "Staunton News Leader"

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