Oklahoma activists from the group Americans Against the Next War (AANW) are working to prevent military action or war against Iran. The group funded three billboards, now on display in the Oklahoma City metro area, that read: “Tell Congress: No War on Iran.”
A news conference was held on July 10, at the State Capitol in Oklahoma City, to announce the billboards, their locations, and present the coalition of churches, organizations and individuals that support the project.
Speakers at the event included Dr. Katherine Scheirman, Col. USAF (ret); Bob Lemon, Oklahoma City philanthropist and human rights activist; and John Scripsick, Gold Star father whose son was killed in Iraq. Director of the Peace House Nathaniel Batchelder was the event emcee.
The AANW group, which has met weekly since February of this year, is concerned about the inflammatory rhetoric that could spark military action and war against Iran. AANW’s projects are calling for restraint in order to allow the negotiations process to go forward.
Supporters of the project include Mayflower Congregational Church; Church of the Open Arms, UCC; Joy Mennonite Church; First Unitarian Church of Oklahoma City; Tulsa Peace Fellowship; Oscar Romero Catholic Worker House; National Lawyers Guild, Oklahoma Chapter; Peace Education Institute; Oklahoma Center for Conscience and Peace Research; Oklahoma State Senator Constance Johnson; Bill Bryant, President, United Nations Association of OKC; Dr. Martha Skeeters, PhD, University of Oklahoma Associate Professor; Kenneth Meador, Iraq war veteran; and many others.
The “No War On Iran” billboard locations are: on I-35, north of SE 15; on I-35, 1/2 mile north of Britton road; and on I-40, west of Yukon (Clarence Page airport).
Nathaniel Batchelders says, “Our billboards demonstrate that voices for peace and negotiations are now crucial to the process of resolving issues with Iran. A war with Iran would raise world oil prices, reverse our fragile economic recovery, and plunge the U.S. into further debt.”
For more information visit www.AmericansAgainstTheNextWar.org
Via: "CNN's iReport"
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