Courtesy Of "CounterPunch"
On December 10, community leaders all across the country held vigils and rallies outside Congressional offices to defend the safety net and protest the so-called “fiscal cliff” negotiations in Washington, DC. It was part of a coordinated national campaign on International Human Rights Day, the 64th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Among other provisions, the Declaration proclaims the inalienable human right to jobs, housing, health care, education, and social security.
The “fiscal cliff” is an artificial crisis created by Congress as a ploy to dismantle the safety net programs the American people have built up and relied on for generations. In their own words, corporations want to “use the fiscal cliff as an opportunity” to push for tax cuts for themselves and benefit cuts for the rest of us.
Although the “fiscal cliff” is allegedly about the federal budget deficit, many proposals actually under discussion show that it has nothing to do with the deficit whatsoever.
For one, President Obama proposed a so-called “chained CPI” formula that would cut Social Security benefits, especially for the poorest and most elderly. Social Security currently runs a 2.7 trillion dollar surplus, is a separate fund that by law cannot increase the deficit, and in fact has never contributed a penny to the deficit in its entire 77-year history.
Another proposal is a $134 billion corporate “tax repatriation holiday”. This would INCREASE the deficit and proves that the “fiscal cliff” is really designed just to raise corporate profit even if it means plunging millions of Americans into poverty.
Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and affordable housing have been and are now fully funded and paid for through our payroll and income taxes, and are supported by an overwhelming super-majority of voters. They are the property of the American people and the inheritance we have prepared for our children and grandchildren. A “grand bargain” or any other kind of compromise that in any way diminishes or weakens these programs in order to enrich corporations is totally unacceptable.
The idea that America has become so impoverished that it can no longer afford the most elementary necessities of its people is patently absurd. As a nation we are richer and more productive than ever. Despite declining industrial employment, our manufacturing OUTPUT is higher now than it has ever been, thanks to the technological revolution. The attacks on the safety net are deliberate efforts to artificially introduce poverty in the midst of plenty.
The solution to the deficit is not difficult: it is to make banks and corporations pay their taxes. In the 1940s, corporations paid 50% more taxes than individuals. Today, they pay 75% LESS than individuals. There is no shortage of money. Corporations continue to reap record profits year after year, but they are paying fewer taxes.
Jill Stein and the I have a plan that addresses the deficit, and more importantly the unemployment epidemic and the looming climate crisis. It is called the Green New Deal that would create millions of jobs providing human services and building sustainable infrastructure. What we have in America today is not a deficit problem at all but a human rights problem. The time has come for us to reject the poverty agenda of the “fiscal cliff” promoted today by both Republicans and Democrats. The time has come to provide a job, housing, health care, and education to every American.
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Nearly every home in the world has some sort of online gaming device. Some people play online games as a livelihood, while others play for leisure. No matter why you are playing, games are not going anywhere. The advice below is truly priceless.
Don't use harsh solutions to clean gaming systems. Instead, blown on it very lightly so you can eliminate dust. Using harsh solutions can ruin your system.
Computers allow you to play games, too. There are many games that you can get on the Internet, with similar quality also available in a system option.
Keep your graphic drivers up to date. When gaming on the computer, it is smart to make sure your picture is sharp and clear. You should update your drivers to ensure this. To find out what graphic drivers your computer has installed, open your device manager, then click update driver.
Spend quality time with your children by taking on a computer game that you both enjoy. Many kids really enjoy playing games on their computers and video consoles. There is a lot to learn from playing online games. You can find games that are educational to teach them as well as help them learn the skill of hand-eye coordination.
It can be helpful to play a trial version of a game you are unsure about purchasing. Trials let you test the game out first to see if it's something you like playing. If you enjoy the trial, you can make the purchase.
Video games have ratings. As a parent, you need to understand these ratings. Use this system to ensure you are purchasing age appropriate video games. Before buying your child a game, take a minute to look at the rating to make sure the game is age-appropriate.
It's best to try out a game alone first. There is no point playing a game online if you are having trouble playing the traditional version! If the game is too hard, trade it and get something you prefer. It is time to find a new game if you are getting frustrated and do not have fun anymore.
You shouldn't play online games all day long; keep it down to a couple of hours at most. Playing these games can lead to an addiction, which can impact your social life. Do not exceed more than three hours of game play per day. If you have sessions longer than that, make sure you are taking breaks often.
All games have ratings thanks to the ESRB. Games are appropriate for ages 3 and older if they receive an EC or Early Childhood rating. If your children are six and older, a rating of E is appropriate. A rating of E+10 is for people older than 10 years old. If your game is rated T, it is suggested that you be 13 or older to play it. "M" (mature) rated games are for people who are at least 17 years old. AO indicates the game is just for adults and RP signifies "Rating Pending."
Figure out how to operate the safety and parental controls of any gaming system that comes into your home. You can likely make adjustments that keep kids from viewing mature content. Some allow each gaming profile to be customized separately, allowing adults to enjoy games not meant for younger audiences.
The world of online games gets bigger and better over time. But there are many choices to make where gaming is involved. This article has helpful advice for both players and parents. Follow the tips presented here to learn how to choose and purchase video games with confidence.
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