Sunday, September 25, 2011

Netanyahu's Grotesque Foreign Policy

Ari Shavit Of "Haaretz Newspaper" [Published 02:58 22.09.11], stated the following:

"we have never been as pitiful as we are today. The grotesque foreign policy of Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has turned Israel into a pathetic and helpless polity.

The reason for this is simple. In war, the best defense is offense. In diplomacy, the best offense is giving. Only if you give something do you get something, acquire allies and increase your strength.

But the Israel of Netanyahu-Lieberman is a tightfisted country that is incapable of giving. That is why it doesn't receive anything, doesn't acquire allies and is becoming dangerously weakened.

It is losing one asset after another and one position after another, and is becoming totally isolated.

Netanyahu and Lieberman...did not initiate anything and did not offer anything and did not concede anything...."

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