Monday, January 02, 2006

***** "The American Muslim Pow-wow" *****
"Dar al-Islam"

by: Yaha (Muslim, Navajo Nation)
for: Hakim Archuletta (il miglior fratello)

To reach the high enchanted place, we must
ednure the harsh travail of travel, and
our weary heart's obeying God's Command,
plod ever on: "Dar al-Islam or bust!"

We come to seek what's noble and what's Just;
the fire in our heart's by love is fanned,
ascending through the beauty of this land:
a mosque atop the mesa's sand and dust.

Our breasts expand beneath Allah's blue sky,
there's barakah aplenty as we find,
the Sufi and the Navajo's old ways,
In deep Islamic harmony on high.

The lights of our heart's, in sacred space entwined,
bring knowledge of ourselves: unto Allah's the Praise!

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