Tuesday, December 20, 2005

'Mrs. Anthrax' and 'Dr. Germ' Freed

Tuesday 20th, December 2005
Gulf Daily News

Baghdad, Iraq--The US military has released dozens of high-level detainees from the toppled regime of Saddam Hussein, including two female scientists nicknamed 'Mrs. Anthrax' and 'Dr. Germ.'

US military spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Barry Johnson revealed yesterday that eight former high-value detainees, whom he declined to name, had been released on Saturday.

An Iraqi lawyer said 24 former senior Saddam aides had been freed, including Huda Saleh Mahdi Ammash, known as 'Mrs. Anthrax,' and Rihab Taha, 'Dr. Germ.'

Some of them had been issued passports to leave the country.

Ammash was ranked 53rd on the US-led coalition's list of most wanted officials and was arrested in May 2003 for her work in a biological warfare programme.

Taha holds a PhD in Microbiology from a British University and was director of an Institute where scientists were carrying out research on Anthrax and a bioterror agent based on Botulism Toxins.

The two were high ranking Baath Party members and the only women in US custody.

my comment:
I guess they weren't as dangerous as our government made them out to be...

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