Shock And Awe!
Courtesy Of: ZNet
By: Rising Dissent
They say they want to stop terrorism,
But I can't follow their logic.
How is bombing a country,
Going to solve it?
We were attacked in direct retaliation,
To all the horror that we've caused.
With our sanctions and interventions,
Hundreds of thousand of lives were lost.
But by going to war we're doing exactly,
What Osama wants us to do.
Retaliate and kill more innocent people,
So he'll have new recruits.
The "War On Terror" will only escalate,
The hatred and violence.
To continue this cycle,
Is ignorant and mindless.
It's time for people of conscience,
To stand up and fight this!
Shock and Awe!
The public has swallowed it all.
From all the horror WE CAUSED.
But it's only real,
When it happens to us.
Rallied like Hitlers Youth,
When are we gonna wake up?
Your tax money,
Is used to kill innocents.
But it never seems to interrupt your,
Days a single bit.
So fuck your "WAR ON TERROR,"
You fucking hypocrites.
When another 9/11 happens to you,
Don't play the victim,
The chickens have come home to roost.
Don't trust the news,
Which are owned by big business,
Which control your politicians.
So called "leaders" making careers,
By exploiting your fears.
If the government can murder TRUTH,
Then it can murder YOU,
In the name of FREEDOM!
Talking Part:
If Bush wanted to stop terrorism
He should start with Florida
That's where the CIA has trained terrorists
To wage covert war on Cuba.
They've also paid and trained the Contras
Killing 30,000 in Nicaragua.
When CIA puppet Noreiga disobeyed
We killed 3,000 in Panama.
They also overthrew
The democratic government in Guatemala.
And the democratic government of Iran
And instituted the dictator Shah.
When we trained SAVAK,
Shah's Secret Police,
That have oppressed his people,
Leaving them hopless on their knees.
Desperation leads to Muslim fundamentalism,
In the form of Ayatollah Khomeni.
We only aid the whole of Africa
With 300 million.
While we give Israel billions,
To keep killing Palestinians.
There you can trace the history of
Anti-American Sentiment.
If we didn't overthrow democracies
And put in dictators
Because they are willing to serve
Our corporate interests.
Maybe 9/11
Would've never happened.
Shock and Awe!
The public has swallowed it all.
From all the horror,
But its only fucking real,
When it happens to us.
Rallied like Hitler's Youth,
When are we gonna wake up?
WARNING: The Following Video and Picture Gallery Contain Graphic Scenes...
1) The Hidden Massacre Of Fallujah:
By Sigfredo Rannuci, For RAI
(Italian Public TV)
March 27, 2006
Video Run Time: 27 Min, 7 Sec
2) Shock and Awe Gallery:
3) Shock and Awe Picture Gallery:
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