Tuesday, February 07, 2012

This Is To The U.S. Government

Posted by Guest Blogger "Sayf Maslul"

Courtesy Of "YouTube"

This guys rant is hilarious, but absolutely dead-on

"You bastards can't even balance a checkbook? A checkbook, B?

You bastards got to 14.6 trillion dollars, before you realized: 
"oh shit! We've reached the debt ceiling!"

Listen, you're the best and the brightest: Harvard, Yale, Brown, Cornell, This is what we put out? 

You should have went to Norfolk State. Bastards, you would have had the same education, you would have spent a whole lot less money. Simple fucks!

My second issue is, how the fuck do you owe China? How can I tell my daughter with a straight face, that Capitalism is a better system than Communism, if we're borrowing all of our money from the biggest Communist country on the planet?

I'm gonna tell you this: everybody that has a loan to the federal government, don't pay it. Don't pay your budget, don't pay your bills. Because they ain't paying theirs.

Why should I pay my bills for, when you don't pay your bills?

I'm not doing what you don't do!

You're the leader and I'm following the leader. 

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