1st Rank in Terrorism: USA
Friedman-capitalism according to Chicago Shock doctrine has been the start for overrunning the globe with the most destructive model of economics ever seen since Babylon. U.S. VIP without brains from Chicago, Berkeley, Washington, have been taught to turn to hell all bright young people in dozens of States in South and Central America, Africa and Asia. This all is higher in crime than all deeds of Hitler, Stalin and Mao taken together, when extrapolating it into the future for coming generations. And count too the terrible pollution, highest on this globe, of this crime-nation without any ethics, which both under democratic and republican governments, tried to kill all future humans, and have succeeded in being masters in destruction. And U.S. Presidents plus CIA-FBI assisted all blood dictators in the world, if taken for "social and left", pretending killing youth as right-wing, to wipe out important intelligentsia of the own population. USA have increased their debt towers to the point, where this nation will soon fall into bankruptcy and make tumble all stock exchanges, U.S. and Swiss Banks - in fact all savings of the word, starting with China, Korea, Japan and going all around our planet. By shattering down for oil Iraq, to get influence over Russia and China and India, in Afghanistan, they have reached the crown of political and ethical stupidity. And here, I have mentioned only 50 percent of all of the crimes of terrorist USA.
2nd Rank in Terrorism: Israel
It does not seem, but look at the facts: The victims in the war with Intifada-children and other "terrorists", whom Europe has assisted the Jews to steal Arab homelands, after WW II, victims were the Palestinians and Lebanon, in a Western war that continued until today - and risking becoming worse than any time before from now on. The Arabs pay the price for Hitler's holocaust in Auschwitz and other concentration camps. The disastrous effects on over 1 billion Muslims and Arab lands will prove to have been disastrous - and not to be reversed, ever.
Never before, one little land or one religion has produced so much draft into future terror, in wide parts on our globe, than Israel with the help of Orthodox Jews from New York and their poodle GW Bush. Later will be clear and evident, for anybody, that Israel was at the source of the 3rd World War, if the next President of USA will not immediately correct this terrible "Road to Hell". All is now a question of time. Palestinians and other may overrun Israel one day and no army can protect civilians in this case. Whatever will be the future: If it goes on like this, Israel will risk to be wiped out from the card in a few years from now, no longer protected by bankrupt and corrupt CIA-USA.
3rd Rank in Terrorism: Russia
First was Stalin with millions of national killed people, put in Gulag and tortured to death. But what they did, with own folks of over 100 Mio Russians, after 1989 experiment from Friedman, is also pure terror. Giving the folks' wealth for nothing to 200 oligarchs, protected by secret services of Yeltsin and Putin, is the worst criminal deed ever seen in Russia, including Soviet-Union. Even more out of the game are the politics and State terror in Chechnya and other areas, plus cynicism in Musical theatre in Moscow and Beslan School. Russia has now a new Stalin and Ras-Putin. Compared to him, the Tsars of Russia were the nicest chaps ever seen. This Putin is not stupid and he still has a chance to correct his errors. If not, he will be hanging at a post, soon, like did Mussolini, unless he feels free to copy Hitler in Berlin end of WW II. Russians and Arabs listen: Oil and gas and seldom material belong to the future generations of ALL nations on this globe. --- Your theft to human mankind is a scandal that asks for wiping out the perpetrators. If your God gave those treasures to you, believed erroneously by those privileged folks, they will be punished in the name of their God, dear egoists and hypocrites, because you may find yourself in hell, in eternal pain in a few years, after or before your death.
4th Rank in Terrorism: China
The way they treat their own peasants and workers has always been a national disaster and crime. The way the spoil air, clean water, land, resources and agriculture today means: Future death of hundred of millions of Chinese, very soon. And the economic bankruptcy stands at the door, as soon the Western idiots stop their insane hedonism in materialized happiness. Further the behaviour in Tibet is childish, on the IQ level of Napoleon or Hitler, indeed lower than Mao, who had the excuse that he wanted prevent some sort of U.S. Friedman-capitalism, to protect his folks. If he became crazy too with his revolution of culture, it was somehow excusable. He just copied Kennedy in Vietnam, Nixon in cynicism, Clinton in sex and Bush in stupidity. This should be allowed and happens to every super-natural idiot with Hitler or Bush-IQ. Today, China and India try to kill future generations with increased polluting air and using up the last reserves of resources and energy. These Chinese and Indians think to be real Schwarzenegger-Heroes - when in fact Singh and Hu and Wen are nothing else but inventors of a new and disastrous culture-revolution, as cheap copies of the USA.
5th Rank in Terrorism: Japan
Not seeing the terrible crimes, they committed in 1930 to 1945, and still visiting Koizumi-Shrines, has been discussed in my letter "No good times for Japan's Past". Further they are responsible for own unemployment and the ones in USA and Europe, then becoming the victims of own politics. Nice consequences, since they tried always to make starve all lands outside their borders, since 1650 up to 1975. Japan is spoiling its own country, they kill animals, like wiped out whales, without pity and are atrocious with humans, nature and any species having a brain, like much of Asians. And this is just another way of treating their own population, taken as working slaves of hedonism, with a youth growing in stupidity, since the age of five, with their play-stations and other human-killing devices, exported in a brainless globe. Not many nations have sent so much dirt out of their factories than the Japanese and Koreans. And the benefit goes in the pockets of some happy few, whereas the poorest part of those nations is transformed in working slaves, without any civil and human rights, and a future that will prove to be terrifying.
6th Rank in Terrorism: Europe
Europe has always been copying the USA, with their Hayek-Popper-Friedman schemes, preparing the downfall of nature, agriculture, workers, state-employees, as well as being spoilers of the own geo-sphere. You won't find one economic head in Europe with another brain than indoctrinated in full with the theories of eternal growth, thus out-powering Africa, Arabia and South America. It seemed to be a splendid idea, creeping in the ass of GW Bush and not be thinking about consequences for their children, still to be born on Earth. Naturally, they have come down from the trip with end of 1990 dotcom-bankruptcy, but only for further invent even more disastrous financing instruments, killing all nations, assumed being "lower" in IQ than English, French, German, Swiss, Italian and all the rest of high noses. Europe will pay a heavy price even before they will understand that the way they have chosen, cannot be turned around. Like with a tanker, this model would produce in any case widest devastation, whatever Merkel, Sarkozy, Berlusconi or Brown, including the Polish twins and other substitutes, would decide. In any case, Europeans are guilty not to have intervened in Ex-Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Chile, Argentina and dozens of holocaust-countries in this right-wing world, wanting to increase their profits of the richest VIP, on the cost of the tortured bodies of the poor, on any continent of this planet. This was so in the Middle Ages, during Times of Enlightenment and now - on a fast increasing scale - since 1950 until this very day. All will end in an Armageddon.
7th Rank in Terrorism: Africa and Switzerland
Truly: "What have Switzerland, IMF, WorldBank and terrorism to do with Africa,?" asked IQ-cretin GW Bush. He also asked what has to do: Coffee with Kofi Annan, or "Yes Sir" with Yassir Arafat (see my Watson Story). I answer: "All what you could think of: Reagan, Greenspan, IMF plus WorldBank plus CIA plus Friedman plus neo-liberal thinking, destroying cultures and agricultures in Africa. Those criminals gave the cash of us Taxpayers to their best friends, the children-soldiers fucking dictators, and that money got back to Swiss Banks, who helped with Bank secrecy laws and special tax schemes, to prevent taxes in EU, USA and Africa including Monaco." And this is how it worked since 1975 until today. Only today, the cash goes through companies, hedge funds, holdings, Mafia, CIA and any other scrap, the bankers from New York, London and Zurich have found or newly invented in their derivative junk-bank business. All State-terror accepted by United Nations, Africa Convention, NGOs, Popes, plus President Nixon, Reagan, Clinton plus Hillary is just another Rwanda, accepted or created by all of them.
Look out for Darfur under GW Bush, another junk-politician, then Somalia, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Sierra Leone, Eritrea, Sudan, South Africa, Congo, Nigeria, Algeria and dozens of other murdering examples, who will look out for always more of torture, terror and cretinism, if they can fill Swiss bank accounts.
8th Rank in Terrorism: Vatican City
Religions have been lying to the whole world about the crimes, since this sort of belief in an unknown God, apparently accepting any torture of perpetrators, as it seems, is in existence. It's the same with esoterics, scientologies, false philosophies and any glorious "One and Only God device", producing an increasing number of innocent victims. But worst of all was the Catholic Church with their hypocrite Popes for 2000 years, the worst of them being now in charge of a crimson business of apes and children violators. And it was so from birth of Jesus until this Ratzinger started to tell lies about other religions being inferior to his "Crusade ideology" that crept in the asses of all torturers and dictators of all times, spitting at the same time on the ones, Jesus of Old Testimony wanted to see protected: the poor, the sick people and the hopeless. I hope that the responsible idiots will soon be nailed to the cross, as apparently Jesus was, 33 years after his birth. It is about time. --- Learn this: Re-born Jesus came 1979 to the Pope of Rome and said that he would come from Catholic God with order to save the world from cretins of false religions. But his Pope only shouted: "Bring this god-damned fool to one of my Marine schools of mechanics - and let him nail to the cross...." True? Yes. It happened in Montevideo.
The rest of "terror", like al Qaeda, Taliban, Hizbollah and some other Mafia organisations in Italy, Russia, China and Japan, including their Swiss banks, are not more, in reality, than some Sunday schools, copied by the above mentioned on a multiplied scale… And I did not even mention their atom and other weapons and the money spent therefore, that could have cured all poverty on Earth.
GW Bush worked out a "Shock strategy", blinding 90 percent of his folks, both Democrats and Republicans, to wipe out the memory about the fact that USA has been, since 1950, the greatest terrorist on this globe, 1000 percent higher in future effects than any terroristic organisation committing world-crimes in the past.
Got the lesson? No? I did not expect that indoctrinated idiots without memory and capacity in understanding complex chains of origins and effects, would ever get just one word of such letters. So leave it to your children, after the collapses, to understand the chaos you have constructed - and stay as dull as you have always tried not to be.
René Delavy, Berlin and Bournemouth
Author of "USA - Criminal acts in politics" / "Russians admire criminal Putinism" / "China - copy stupid U.S. human rights and democrazy" / "No good times of Japan's past" and 100 other letters.
http://www.rene-delavy.com/ // http://www.pladesniekant.com/
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