Friday, May 04, 2007

Right-Wing Terrorism In Europe Since 1980

By: Bruce Hoffman

This paper recounts right wing terrorist activities in Italy, West Germany, and France since 1980, a year in which there was a dramatic increase in the number of such events.

The author suggests that this surge may have resulted from official and public denigration of previous right-wing terrorism, and cautions against falling into the same apathy again.

He reviews the international ties among terrorist groups, including a new affinity between right and left extremists.

He concludes that, although there has been a general decline in neo-Nazi/neo-fascist terrorism since the 1980 bombings, the threat posed by right-wing extremists in Germany, France, and, to a lesser extent, Italy has not subsided.

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This product is part of the RAND paper series.

The paper was a product of the RAND Corporation from 1948 to 2003 that captured speeches, memorials, and derivative research, usually prepared on authors' own time and meant to be the scholarly or scientific contribution of individual authors to their professional fields.

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