The Israel Lobby And U.S. Foreign Policy
Courtesy Of: InformationClearingHouse.info
By: Council On American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Broadcast By: C-Span.org
RunTime: 90 Minutes
Two international affairs experts discussed pro-Israel lobbying and its influence on U.S. attitudes toward the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Topics included: Israel and international law, U.S. neutrality, defining terrorism, and $3 billion per year U.S. aid to Israel.
They said there is a loose coalition of individuals and groups lobbying Congress for U.S.-Israel policy.
They also said most mainstream media are strongly pro-Israel.
U.S. aid to Israel in the recent Hezbollah-Israel military action was described.
After their presentations, the panalists responded to audience members' questions.
Walt and Mearsheimer wrote an article in the March London Review Of Books that raised questions about the power the Israel lobby wields over U.S. foreign policy, saying that the lobbyists try to prevent criticism by claiming anti-Semitism.
Their article was also the cover story in the July-August issue of Foreign Policy Magazine.
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