US Warns N. Korea Over Missile Test -
But Tested Own Missile Last Wednesday!
Courtesy of: InformationClearingHouse.info
By Press Release
The United States government has warned the DPRK (North Korea), who seem to be poised to perform a missile test (Maybe), of unspecified negative consequences should they perform that test.
However, the United States itself performed an exactly similar test last Wednesday, when it fired a Minuteman Missile from Vandenberg Air Force Base to Kwajelien Atholl in the Pacific.
The test was described as 'routine,' and the US conducts such tests on a continuing basis.
Nonetheless, the double-standard in dealing with the DPRK is breathtaking.
The DPRK may be preparing to conduct a test of the as-yet untried Taepo-Dong-II Missile, which is said to have a range capable of reaching the Continental US.
The US has warned the DPRK of unspecified but negative consequences should it proceed with the test, which may have been scheduled for this weekend.
Australian peace-groups have called for the US to do as it asks others to do.
According to nuclear weapons campaigner John Hallam of Friends of the Earth and People for Nuclear Disarmament,
"If the US believes that others such as the DPRK ought not to test nuclear-capable missiles, and describes those tests as 'provocative,' it should at least refrain from testing itself.
Having tested a missile as little as a week ago, the US is hardly in a position to complain if the DPRK tests.
Current US policies are simply pushing nations such as the DPRK and Iran in precisely the direction that we say we do not wish them to go.
We say we don't want a nuclear-armed DPRK (which we already have) or a nuclear-armed Iran (which we do not yet), yet the direction of current policy all but ensures that this is what we will get."
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