Terror Arrests Much Ado About Nothing
Courtesy Of: Canadian Voices
By Donald McArthur
The sort of people dumb enough to buy 3 tonnes of ammonium nitrate in one transaction aren't the sort who are capable of carrying out the crimes they are charged with planning...
The 17 alleged terrorists, including five youths and two men already in prison for gun smuggling, arrested in Canada last week are beginning to look more and more like terrorasses.
Storm Parliament, behead the Prime Minister and then take over the CBC in downtown Toronto to broadcast your message? Quite a creative and cunning plan.
It sound like these guys hatched their scheme after watching V for Vendetta. Their plans are probably sketched out on napkins covered with greasy golden popcorn topping.
The scariest thing about this alleged terror bust isn't the ever-changing list of high-profile targets or the fact that most of these alleged terrorists were born in Canada, but the reaction of this country's media outlets.
We're reporting everything official and unofficial police and intelligence sources say as gospel although we're couching our breathless reporting (recounting?) with the word alleged.
It's funny how there never seems to be room for that word in the headlines.
Media outlets are supposed to view every allegation by police and intelligence sources through a cynical filter because law enforcement officials are agents of a powerful state and have their own agenda, including an institutional desire for more money and manpower.
The media doesn't seem to be zealously challenging authorities in this case, and, if we are, we're certainly not doing a very thorough or vigorous Job.
We're not doubting or questioning the stunning allegations fiercely enough, because it's a great story and we want it to be true. International terrorism.
The police say they busted this alleged ring--a ring they had been monitoring more than a year--Just before they carried out an attack, but why didn't the police bust these Jokers a long time ago?
There are five kids under 18 involved in this alleged ring and you've got to wonder how much of their alleged wilderness training and frightening rhetoric was merely youthful bravado.
Any terrorist worth his salt, lemon wedge and shot of cuervo should know enough not to bring on the heat by buying copious quantities of an explosive agent that officials monitor. But these guys did it.
You've got to wonder why. Were they truly a danger to us or were they simply a danger to themselves?
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