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UK Mulled Nuclear Strike On China Over Hong Kong******************************************************************Courtesy of: SpaceWar.comJune 30, 2006London (AFP)--Britain discussed the possibility of a nuclear attack on China in 1961 to defend Hong Kong, its former colony, secret documents from the British government revealed Friday.Letters circulated to then Prime Minister Harold Macmillan recommended nuclear force as the only real alternative to abandoning the territory in the event of an attack by the neighbouring Chinese.But officials discussed how to ensure that Beijing understood any attack would be met by the United States dropping nuclear bombs on China.At the same time, the plan needed to avoid laying Hong Kong open to the claim that it was becoming a military outpost of the United States.Details of the discussions emerged from records of Macmillan's office between 1957 to 1961, which were made public by the National Archives.The suggested nuclear strategy followed communications on how best to strengthen Honk Kong's defences amid growing uncertainty about the intentions of its communist neighbour.Hong Kong was particularly vulnerable, not least because its water and food supplies from China could be cut off at any time.On February 22 1961, then Foreign Secretary Sir Alec Douglas-Home wrote a letter marked "top secret" to Defence Minister Harold Watkinson and the Prime Minister.In it, he said: "It must be fully obvious to the Americans that Hong Kong is indefensible by conventional means and that in the event of a Chinese attack, nuclear strikes against China would be the only alternative to complete abandonment of the colony.""In these circumstances it is perhaps not so much formal staff talks with the Americans that we need so much as an informal exchange of views involving a discussion of the use of nuclear strikes.""I need hardly say, however, that I agree entirely with your view that while we should encourage the Chinese to believe that an attck on Hong Kong would involve nuclear retaliation, we must avoid anything that would allow the Chinese to claim that the colony is a military outpost of the United States."Secret meetings with US officials took place in Hawaii and it was advised in 1961 that further talks should be held on board a US naval carrier, which frequently visited Hong Kong.Another letter, from Watkinson to Douglas-Home and Macmillan, advised on how Lord Louis Mountbatten, chief of defence staff, should approach talks with Admiral Harry Felt, commander-in-chief of the US Pacific forces.He wrote: "Our objective is to encourage the Chinese to believe that an attack on Hong Kong would involve US nuclear strikes."He also said Mountbatten believed Felt would ask him whether Britain's Royal Air Force would co-operate with a possible nuclear strike on China.On this he wrote: "If this question is raised, I think he should say that he can make no commitment about what would happen, but that there would be no objection to discussion between Admiral Felt and our military representatives in the Far East on the machinery for co-ordination if our nuclear strike forces ever had to operate with the Americans in this area."Hong Kong, a British colony since 1842, was handed back to China in 1997.Source:
Gaza Under Siege**********************Courtesy Of: Rafah TodayWARNING: Disturbing Images!Photos
Condi's Candid Iraq Security Talk Broadcast By Mistake*********************************************************************Courtesy Of: YouTube.comJune 29 2006By CNNThis audio of a closed lunch meeting between Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was accidentally broadcast revealing a disagreement about Iraq security.Throughout the audio broadcast, Secretary Rice and the Russian Foreign Minister argue and interrupt each other.Responding to Lavrov's concerns about the protection of diplomats, Secretay Rice said:"You know, on a fairly daily basis we lose soldiers and I think it would be offensive to suggest that these efforts are not being made...We are making those efforts and we are making them at quite a sacrifice...The problem isn't diplomatic missions. The problem is Journalists and civilian contractors and, yes, diplomats as well.""The problem is you have a terrorist insurgent population that is wreaking havoc on a hapless Iraqi civilian population that is trying to fight back. And on a coalition force that is trying to fight back and the implication that by somehow declaring that diplomats need to be protected it will get better, I think is simply not right."In contrast, both officials agree on the point during their public statements...Video Clip:
The Category Of Terror*****************************Courtesy Of: YouTube.comRunTime: 9:50Video:
Northwoods Documents: False Flag Attacks*******************************************************Courtesy of; YouTube.comRunTime: 2:52Information about the Northwoods documents, released through a Freedom of Information request, that detail plans for attacks on U.S. citizens to be carried out by elements within the United States government and blamed on Cuba.This is Just one example of a "False Flag Operation," where a government is willing to attack its own citizens and falsely accuse another nation of being behind that attack, in order to achieve global political/economic objectives...Video:
The Bush Regime's Curve Ball**************************************
Paying The Price: Killing The Children Of Iraq*********************************************************Courtesy Of: Google VideoRunTime: 1Hr 14 Min 20 SecA special report by John Pilger...Documentary:
The Iraqi Insurgency**************************Courtesy Of: YouTube.comRunTime: 8 Min 55 SecThis video clip briefly examines the state of the Iraqi insurgency.You will need to log into YouTube, in order to view this vide. The registration is "free."WARNING: Some Graphic Images...Video:
Kidnapping Hamas Parliamentarians Planned Weeks Ago************************************************************************Courtesy Of: Haaretz.comBy Avi Issacharoff and Amos Harel,Haaretz CoorespondentsLast Updated: 29/06/2006...The detention of Hamas Parliamentarians in the early hours of Thursday Morning had been planned several weeks ago and received approval from Attorney General Menachem Mazuz on Wednesday. The same day, Shin Bet Director Yuval Diskin presented Prime Minister Ehud Olmert with the lists of Hamas officials slated for detention...."The detention of elected members of the Palestinian government and legislature raises particular concerns," said a Joint statement by the G8, which also called on Israel to exercise "umost restraint.""[This] a pre-planned plot to destroy the [Palestinian] Authority, the government and the Parliament and to bring the Palestinian people to their knees," Hamas lawmaker Mushir al-Masri said Thursday....A Hamas official called the arrests an "Open war against the Palestinian government and people," and said that "Israel must be prepared to pay their consequences.""We have no government, we have nothing. They have all been taken," Saeb Erekat, an ally of Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, said of the arrests."This is absolutely unacceptable and we demand their release immediately."Source:
Hawaii's Last Queen**************************Courtesy Of: InformationClearingHouse.infoPosted: 06/28/06RunTime: 53 MinProduced and released in 1997 by The American Experience documentary series, broadcast on TV by PBS.On January 16, 1893, four boatloads of United States Marines with Gatling guns and hundreds of rounds of ammunition came ashore in Honolulu, capital of the independent Kingdom of Hawaii.As the Royal Hawaiian Band played a concert at the Hawaiian Hotel, 162 troops marched through the streets of Honolulu, heading for the palace.The Queen of Hawaii, Lili' Uokalani, looked down from her balcony as the troops took up their positions.The following day, she surrendered at gunpoint, yielding her throne to the government of the United States.Documentary:
The Marquis de Shrub****************************
Disgustingly Callous Remark*************************************"The idea is to put Palestinians on a diet but not to make them die of hunger..."-Commented Dov Weisglass, senior advisor to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, when asked how Israel should deal with the new Hamas government-That sums up Israeli policy towards the besieged Palestinian people.
Hamas: A Pale Image Of The Jewish Irgun And Lehi Gangs**************************************************************************Courtesy Of: The Washington Report On Middle East AffairsBy Donald NeffMay/June 2006,Pages 14-15As easy as it is to dismiss cliches as banal and misleading, the troubling problem is that they often cloak an essential truth. Scoffs and derision often greet the cliche' that "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter."Yet freedom fighters is exactly how Israelis view the early Zinoists who fought in 1947 for the establishment of Israel--And how Palestinians now consider their fighters resisting Israeli occupation.The reality is that when faced with a superior military force, such as Britain possessed in 1947 and Israel does today against the Palestinians, terror is the underdog's only viable weapon.Once a state has been established and legitimized, however, as in the cases of Israel and South Africa, the former "terrorists" tend to gain a veil of legitimacy as well.But legitimacy is now being denied Hamas. Even though Palestinians elected a Hamas-led government in free and fair elections, Israel denies it legitimacy on the grounds that Hamas is a terrorist organization.Sixty years ago, however, at the time of the British Mandate, it was Jews in Palestine who mainly waged terrorism against the Palestinians.As Jewish leader David Ben-Gurion recorded in his personal history of Israel: "From 1946 to 1947 there were scarcely any Arab attacks on the Yishuv [the Jewish community in Palestine]."The same could not be said for the Zionists. Jewish terrorists waged an intense and bloody campaign against the Palestinians, British, and even some Jews who opposed them leading up to the establishment of Israel.The two major Jewish terror organizations in pre-independence Palestine were the Irgun Zvai Leumi--National Military Organization, NMO, also known by the Hebrew letters Etzel--Founded in 1937, and the Lohamei Herut Israel--Fighters for the Freedom of Israel, Lehi in the Hebrew acronym, also known as the Stern Gang after its leader Avraham Stern, known as Yair, founded in 1940.The Irgun was led by Menachem Begin, the future Israeli Prime Minister who was a leading proponent of Revisionist Zionism, the militant branch of Zionism pioneered by Vladimir Zeev Jabotinsky, which openly despised the Arabs and sought restoration of what it called Eretz Yisrael, the ancient land of Israel.By this was meant "Both sides of the Jordan," the Irgun slogan meaning all of Palestine and Jordan was the rightful home to the Jews.Another belief of Begin's was that of the "Fighting Jew," a romanticized idea expressed in Jabotinsky's old Betar Movement song of "We shall create, with sweat and blood, a race of men, strong, brave and cruel."Israeli scholar Avishai Margalit translated the verse as "Proud, generous and cruel," Adding: "Many are still waiting for the generous part to emerge."The Irgun was the dominant Jewish terrorist organization. Both in size and the number and frequency of its attacks. Its most spectacular feat up to this time had been the July 22, 1946 blowing up of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, with the killing of 91 people--41 Arabs, 28 Britons and 17 Jews.Mainstream Zionists despised Begin and his Revisionists, although there was cooperation between the two on military matters. Ben-Gurion, the leader of Mainstream Zionism, fought throughout his premiership with Begin.The other major Jewish terrorist group, Lehi, was more extremist than the Irgun, claiming all the land between the Nile and the Euphrates as belonging to the Jews.When Jabotinsky declared a cease-fire in the fight against Britain and its Mandate troops in Palestine during WWII, Stern broke with him and founded Lehi.Stern sought allies with the Nazis, both because they shared an enemy in Britain and because Lehi shared Hitler's totalitarian ideology. During the war Sternists openly celebrated Nazi victories on the battlefield.An infamous document called the "Ankara Document," because it was found in the German Embassy in Ankara after the war, detailed Avraham Stern's ideas "Concerning the Solution of the Jewish Question in Europe." It was dated January 11, 1941.At the time, Stern was still a member of the Irgun, which he called by its initials, NMO. Wrote Stern: "The evacuation of the Jewish masses from Europe is a precondition for solving the Jewish Question; but this can only be made possible and complete through the settlement of these masses in the home of the Jewish people, Palestine, and through the establishment of a Jewish State in the historical boundaries....the well acquainted with the good-will of the German Reich government and its authorities toward Zionist activity inside Germany and toward Zionist emigration plans....The NMO is closely related to the totalitarian movements in Europe in its ideology and structure."In the partition period, Irgun had around 2,000 men, while Lehi had about 800. Though the memberships were comparatively small, the damage these two groups caused in inflaming animosity between Arabs and Jew was considerable.When Stern was killed by British police in 1942, leadership of Lehi was shared; among the leaders were Nathan Yalin-Mor, one of the eventual killers of Count Bernadotte, and Yitzhak Shamir, another future Prime Minister of Israel.Arab terrorists carried out some major operations as well, including the bombing of the Jewish Agency and the Palestine Post. But in contrast to Jewish violence, it was unorganized and episodic.As historian Michael C. Hudson noted: "Organized Jewish violence against the British and Arabs (exemplified by the Irgun's bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946), however, was far more systematic and successful than that of the Palestinians, and the latter were unable to play a significant role in the final years of the Mandate."The Jewish Agency, as the official representative of the Jewish community, repeatedly denied any responsibility for the acts of the Irgun and Lehi, maintaining they were underground terrorist groups operating outside the law.However, there was close copperation among Irgun, Lehi and the Haganah Underground Army under an agreement called the Hebrew Resistance Movement and aimed specifically against the British Mandatory government.It went into force in the Fall of 1945, when "Irgun and Lehi accepted Haganah discipline in the conduct of all armed operations," in the words of historian Noah Lucas.By December 1947, British High Commissioner Alan Cunningham reported to London:"...the Haganah and the dissident groups are now working so closely together that the Agency's claim that they cannot control the dissidents is inadmissible."Source:
Push The Limits********************Courtesy Of: EnigmaVia: YouTube.comVideo:
Can You Hear Me Now?******************************
Beyond The Invisible***************************Courtesy Of: EnigmaVia: YouTube.com
The Miami Seven "Soft" Terror Cell********************************************Courtesy of: The Daily ShowVia: YouTube.comThe Daily Show's Jon Stewart classified the Miami Terror Cell that was to "wage a ground war against America," according to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales as "seven dipshits in a warehouse," Following a farcical press conference in which Gonzales was cornered into admitting that they had no links to any Al-Qaeda members, nor did they have any weapons or explosives to carry out any acts of terrorism.The biggest kicker was that those guys weren't even Muslim. Considering that the mainstream media kept hammering away at the masses that this was in fact, a homegrown Islamic terror cell.One of the members of that alleged terror cell stated that, "we study and train through the Bible..."Video Clip:
How Israel Became A "Country"****************************************Courtesy Of: YouTube.comRunTime: 08:28
Jackass Of Mass Destruction*************************************This is what Iraq's "weapons of mass destruction," looked like...
An Ode Recited By Mejnun**********************************From the Immortal Love Poem:"Leyla and Mejnun"By Muhammed Fuzuli(1498-1556)Who is the only lover? He who gives?His life and dying, thus forever livesThe craven, shunning death and holding fastTo every fleeting breath so quickly pastNo goal may claimOf every lover's aimBefore his love, his very soul to cast.Perfection comes of selflessness divineOf immolation at the lover's shrineWho keeps his love, must stand by all confessedNo lover, though by passion sure oppressedNo lover he.Who dumbly still may seeWith life enduring rage still unsuppressedWho is the only lover? He who findsIn death alone the union that bindsHis soul, and that he love's in perfect peaceWho thus so wisely gives, lest passion ceaseAnd finds the griefOf separation, be it long or briefThe one and only way of sweet release.Observe the moth, ye lover's, understandTheir age-long custom, found in every land;How, burning in unsatisfied desireSelf-immolation seeking at the fireOf every flameLet lover's do the sameAnd gladly burn on love's own funeral pyre.So die in love, dying fettered, boundTo love a heady Joy is foundA death so timed brings forth the perfect easeOf Hizir's fountains: living streams that please,The fount of life,The end of strife,The perfect cure for love's distressed disease.No charm or posset holds the sov'ran worthOf curing love's sweet passion on the earthAbandonment of life and love as wellThus losing lifeAnd leaving mortal strifeIn death thy love and thee may ever dwellYet cease this idle talk of leaving lifeAnd losing thus passion's dearest strife.'Tis but Fuzuli knows the secret road'Tis he who sets it forth in happy ode-This qualityOf winning, loses instabilityForgets the tribute that life is owed.
The Iron Wall*****************Courtesy Of: InformationClearingHouse.infoPosted: 06/26/06RunTime: 59 MinutesIn 1923 Vladimir Jabotinsky, th leading intellectual of the Zionist movement and father of the right wing of that movement, wrote:"Zionist colonization must either stop, or else proceed regardless of the native population. Which means that it can proceed and develop only under the protection of a power that is independent of the native population--behind an iron wall, which the native population cannot breach."First published in Russian under the title, O Zheleznoi Stene in Rassvyet, 4 November 1923.From that day, these words became the official and unspoken policy of the Zionist movement and later the State of Israel.Settlements were used from the beginning to create a Zionist foothold in Palestine.Documentary:
Cambodia: The Betrayal*******************************Courtesy Of: Google VideoBy John PilgerRun Time: 51 Min 2 SecIn this documentary, John Pilger explores the tragedy of the Cambodian people and their manipulation by the Chinese and Western powers...Documentary:
The Changing Face Of Resistance*******************************************Courtesy Of: Asia Times OnlineBy Syed Saleem ShahzadFriday 23 June 2006Karachi--A characteristic of a successful resistance movement is its ability to switch tactics as circumstances change, and the insurgencies in both Iraq and Afghanistan are proving to be capable in this respect.In Iraq, the US killing of the leader of Al-Qaeda in Mesopotamia, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, has provided the opportunity for Al-Qaeda for the first time to take over the central command of the resistance, with the overall goal of fomenting a popular uprising againt the US presence.Meanwhile in Afghanistan, the Taliban, after a highly organized and fruitful--though costly in terms of casualties--Mass offensive in the south of the country, is reorganizing somewhat to wage a more traditional guerrilla campaign involving carefully selected attacks.In both countries, strong new leaders are calling the shots--Abu Hamza al-Muhajir in Iraq and Jalaluddin Haqqani in Afghanistan.Al-Qaeda is proving to be flexible in other areas as well, such as in its choice of weapons and targets. Normally credible sources familiar with Al-Qaeda have told Asia Times Online of a buzz within the group of plans to strike the United States with electromagnetic bombs ("e-bomb," or high-power microwave weapons). Theoretically, these could shut down telecommunications networks, disrupt power supplies and disable computers and electronic gadgets."It is true about the e-bomb and a plan to cripple US satellite systems. A section of Arab fighters is working on this," retired squadron leader Khalid Khawaja told Asia Times Online. "I actually overheard such conversations with those who interact a lot with Arab fighters in Afghanistan."Khawaja worked for Pakistan's secret service, the Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI), and was a friend of Osama Bin Laden."I never heard Osama or [his deputy] Dr [Ayman al-] Zawahiri, or anyone else, discuss nuclear attacks on the US. To me, this idea is ridiculous. Only states can use nuclear technology to destroy a country. Also, I never heard anyone discussing with any debth a gas attack on America.""However, I have now overheard conversations which strongly suggest that there is a section in the anti-American resistance which is seriously pursuing a project aimed at taking America back to the Stone Age without harming human lives," Khawaja said.CONSOLIDATION IN IRAQ-----------------------------------------Abu Hamza al-Muhajir, who cut his teeth on the battlefields of Afghanistan, will take over the whole command of the Iraqi resistance infrastructure, according to contacts who spoke to Asia Times Online."As soon as Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was eliminated, a command council took over control. Most of the members are former veterans of the Afghanistan Jihad. As soon as a decision was communicated from Waziristan [in Pakistan, from Zawahiri] for Muhajir to be appointed as Emir-ul Jihad, a whole structure fell into place for a well-defined Jihad in Iraq," said a source connected with the Iraq resistance.Prevoiusly, the command structure of the resistance was scattered. Various Islamic groups fought the Americans from the northern city of Kirkuk to Basra in the south. Each one had a separate command and organization.Ba'athist elements also merged into many of these groups, in addition to the Ba'ath Party's own central command. Zarqawi gained prominence because of his high-profile activities among the various groups, but he did not represent a central command of the resistance.Over the past two years, hundreds of Arab Afghans left Afghanistan to go to Iraq, where they merged with various groups. As they were like-minded in their conviction that US forces should be expelled from the country, they formed a Central Mujahideen Council (Shura).With Zarqawi's death, the council, under Muhajir, who is said to have an "encyclopedia-like" knowledge of Mujahideen all over the world, has gained preeminence, largely because he has the widespread respect and support of the resistance, unlike Zarqawi.Muhajir, said the sources, will use his influence and contacts to galvanize support from across th Islamic World, Especially from Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Egypt.His plan is to flood human resources into the Iraqi resistance so that it can take on the government-backed militias, as well as US and government forces.At the same time, instead of haphazard groups mounting attacks, the resistance will attempt to dictate the rules of the game. Effective intelligence operations will be put in place in an effort to make attacks more coordinated, effective and conherent. And insurgents also plan to make more use of snipers.Similarly, in Afghanistan, the elevation of Jalaluddin Haqqani as head of military operations (see Taliban's new commander ready for a fight, Asia Times Online, May 20) had an immediate effect on the resistance. Haqqani has deep roots across the country, is well respected and is a proven tactician and coordinator.HIDE AND SEEK IN AFGHANISTAN-------------------------------------------------------Soon after Haqqani took over, the Taliban launched their biggest offensive since being ousted from power in 2001. More than 600 people, mostly militants, have been killed in the past month in numerous full-scale battles in the south of the country, often involving Taliban groups more than 100-strong.These attacks were complemented with the use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and suicide attacks in various parts of the country.At the same time, the Taliban appealed to the masses to take control of local administrations. This happened in the Provinces of Urzgan, Helmand, Zabul and Kandahar, besides Kunar, Paktia and Paktika, where the Taliban have taken over partial control of some districts.This appeal to the masses was repeated in a new video message from Zawahiri, posted on Islamic websites on Wednesday evening. He called for "Young men in Kabul's universities to rise up and Join in with the Mujahideen forces in attacking the invaders and freeing Afghanistan."Contacts familiar with the resistance say that now the Taliban will scale back the big attacks and concentrate on precision targeted attacks and ambushes, while still using IEDs and suicide bombers.The contacts explained that this was part of a cat-and-mouse game to wear down coalition forces by constantly switching tactics. Just as the coalition was adjusting to deal with large groups of fighters, the Taliban have retreated to the mountains.Commented Hamid Gul, a retired Lieutenant-General of the Pakistani Army and former Director General of the ISI, "The resistance in Afghanistan and Iraq has very much attained a level which the anti-Soviet resistance [in Afghanistan] attained in 1987. The resistance beset the Soviet forces from all sides. By 1987, the Soviets had flexed their maximum muscle and they lost control and ultimately agreed to an exit strategy [1989].""The same is true with the Americans. They will apply maximum pressure by November, if only to win Congressional elections [for the Republican Party of President George W. Bush]. After that, you will see a Soviet-like policy in which they will steadily lose their grip and finally they will devise an exit plan," Gul said.Source:
Mejnun's Distress***********************From the Immortal Love Poem: "Leyla and Mejnun"By Muhammed Fuzuli[1498-1556](excerpts)The following are couplets describing Mejnun's distress...Now every morn Mejnun went forth to schoolWhere, freed of care, he mastered every rule.With studied ease he followed all the linesOf Leyla: Never book marked love's confines.His heart with pleasure sang when'er the dayHe, like the sun, pursued his constant way.At school, a happiness he looked to findThe happiness of love, not yet unkind.When passed the day, that Leyla cameth notThe sun was darkened, tho' its rays were hot.All sunless sped the day, and school, as night,Fell dark and gloomy, darkened, without light.He guessed that fortune's cunning trickster handHad turned from him the pleasure he had planned.The Jealous gossips, so the thought was born,Upon her petalled rose had cast a thorn.With grief at heart and sorrow in his mindHe railed at fortune, calling it unkind."What evil have I done? What left undone,To kill my soul by banishing the sun?What sin mine, that now, in sad eclipse,Thou dashest wine of pleasure from my lips?Thy favourite once was I, and happy, glad,Beneath my idol's look in pleasure clad.O, fortune! Now thy wheel to torture turns,And now the graces of content it spurns.Didst thou then fear that with a single sighThat from my burning heart should reach the sky.I might thy heaven into ashes turn,And teach thee how these separations burn?Were this achieved, then separation's painThou, too, might'st know.Nor think alone that dreary grief is mine:The grief that tears my heart is also thine.O, elif, straight, unbending as a rod,Be shamed, and fall, to moulder 'neath the sod.Still now thy boastful voice, seek not her height,For she is gone, why standst thou upright?O, noon, thou Joy on beauty's eyebrow set,Go, hide thyself, seek not my soul to fret.O, mim, thy crooked shape no purpose holdsNow destiny her smiling mouth withholds.Corrosion seize thee, inkstand may thy heart,Rust in thy bosom. Feel its angry smart!Turn now thy ink that tender love expressed,To pale and sickly water in thy breast.And thou, open, as blots thy sorrow prove,All restless, kissing not the hand of love.Yet still cry on, pretend no day were here,There is no day if Leyla be not near.And as for thee, O, hard and ashen slate,Talk of her hand and blackly grave thy fate."The days moved on and still to school he went,But passed his days in blackest discontent.From morn till eve his lamentations deep,Disturbed instruction, and at night no sleep.Its solace brought to ease his weary mind:Always to Leyla were his words inclined."O, thou, the Joy of heart, the light of eye,Now, lacking thee, afar all light does fly.The sweet companionship is sadly changed,Give but a reason why thy soul has ranged?Why thus intoxicate my giddy mind?Why, making me a captive, be unkind?If all thy purpose was to fling me out,Why give me darkness and tormenting doubt?My heart the flame of parting hourly sears,My eyes are wet with longing bitter tears.My heart, aflame, glows like the morning bright,An angry dawn, with crimson clouds alight.My tears, a mighty ocean without shore,Well up, each asking more and more.No friend I seek, thy friendship to replace:Alone, take thou the image from my face.Remove it, lest upon my heart, a crownIt burns, or else among my tears should drown.With heady wine of longing I am drunk,And deep in pain's bewilderment am sunk.A drunkard fully masters not his will,No heed can have bewilderment of ill.My soul is lost upon this road of pain,I ne'er shall feel afraid of death again.One gift I have: This gift for thee has taught,A gladness that was Joy with passion fraught.At times I wonder: What if death should come?No soul is left to seize; pain were its only sun.A candle am I, burning in the night,Of pain and suffering, stirr'd by breezes light.Yet though my heart in torment forces tears,And, against my head, grief's fiery sword appears.This agony of pain I would not yield,But, suffering, make suffering my shield.And keep these days of misery's deep despair,When restlessly I wander, full of care.Should destiny, the Book of Life indict,Against thee these days of suffering, or write.The record of my life, I'd scorn the page,And tear the note to fragments in my rage.They say the sun translates darkness to day:Resolve this subtlety, all ye who may.The day whereon my sun declines to shine,I cannot call a day, however fine.The skies above. Alas, that there is none,To whom in pity is my sorrow known.With every thought my grief grows mountain high,Each gusty sigh brings fiercer flames more nigh."His mind then on his early meetings bent,Upon this poem, all his forces spent...