Friday, October 12, 2012

DARPA DASH Robot Detects Enemy Subs

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, and thousands of men and women have given up their lives to protect the freedom of this great country known as America, and no doubt they are more and more technologically inclined these days, with robots playing a huge role in assisting the entire military. DARPA’s latest foray to the underwater scene would be the DASH (Distributed Agile Submarine Hunting) robot which is said to be able to “sniff” out all subs, regardless of whether they are diesel-electric or nuclear, as it combs through both deep and shallow water carefully.
DASH can be described as an underwater version of a satellite which can operate at extreme depths in the open ocean. Once fully developed and operational, the DASH robot, otherwise known as “subullites,” will be able to see action in deep sea enemy sub stake outs. These underwater satellites have a major advantage of their own – they are highly mobile, quiet and unmanned. Should DASH detect an enemy sub, a tiny autonomous vessel or “X-ship” will be deployed in order to remain on the trail of those subs that could prove to be a threat one of these days. 

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