Monday, October 31, 2011

The Muslims Are Not The Enemy

Compiled By "CavalierZee"

"Deanna Spingola"  Writes: 

[please understand - the main objective of this video is to direct focus to who the REAL enemies of mankind and freedom are, not to necessarily defend all acts of Muslims. Think about it - - soon, if the propagandists have their way, a similar video can be made stating that "Constitutionalists, Veterans, Bible Believers, etc., Are Not The Enemy"]


They don't extort usury through the Federal Reserve;
They aren't manufacturing population-reducing vaccines and GMO seeds;
They didn't devise our abortion laws (about fifty million dead);
They didn't bail out the banks;
They didn't create the Department of Homeland Security and impose the PATRIOT Act;
They aren't wiretapping our private conversations or scanning us at the airport;
They didn't impose godless Communism on several countries and cause the death of millions of innocent people;
They haven't instituted the draconian healthcare laws;
They have not orchestrated the nation's economic crashes;
They have not deindustrialized the nation and outsourced so many jobs;
They haven't wiped out the middle class by passing trade laws like NAFTA;
And they haven't foreclosed on thousands of homes;
They are not the reason thousands of people live in tent cities;
They haven't developed depleted uranium weapons.

Instead of worrying about a mosque, consider what's going on behind the closed doors at the Federal Reserve, the Pentagon, the Senate and House chambers, the CFR, the State Department, the UN or dozens of other places.

The Muslims didn't instigate the attacks on the USS Liberty or the USS Cole and they didn't orchestrate the highly organized attack in Manhattan on 9/11.

USA Using Patriot Act Against Its Own Citizens 

Sixteen-year-old Ashton Lundeby's bedroom in his mother's Granville County home is nothing, if not patriotic. Images of American flags are everywhere on the bed, on the floor, on the wall. But according to the United States government, the tenth-grade home-schooler is being held on a criminal complaint that he made a bomb threat from his home on the night of Feb. 15.


Congressman Ron Paul On The Patriot Act

 DOJ Officials Admit Patriot Act Is Being Used Against Non-Terrorist US CItizens 

Most Americans would be shocked to find out that the Patriot Act is being used against Non-Terrorist United States citizens, even though it was sold to the American people by Congress, as a tool to only fight terrorism.


 Fear In America-The Patriot Act 

Congressman Dennis Kucinich Talks About The Patriot Act.


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