Friday, May 27, 2011

Freedom Of Religion-American Myth

By Robert Palmer
January 3, 2010 at 14:19:57
Courtesy Of "Op Ed News"

Writers and textbook publishers of American history have generally omitted or glossed over historic accounts of genocide and inhumane treatment of American Indian populations.

After all, the mythology of the American Revolution, declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights is a national story of great significance to the way the United States views itself.

The United States of America was founded on the fundamental principle of freedom of religion.

America's Founding Fathers believed that religious freedom and a strong democratic system were inseparable - but ONLY for Christians.

The American Indians worshiped the Earth instead of Jesus Christ, and according to an interpretation of the Bible, they had no soul.

Therefore, according to an interpretation of the bible by Christian leaders of the 19th century, including distinguished theologians and scholars, the Native Americans could be slaughtered, along with other creatures, so we can get a hamburger for a dollar.

"The only good Indian is a dead Indian" was the battle cry as we let nothing stand in the way of our Manifest Destiny.

Actually, the Indians presented other problems for the "white man" givers.

American Indians held a special knowledge of the land and its inhabitants and believed they were only a small part of the whole circle of life and that each part of creation played a significant role in the contentment and survival of the other.

They accepted the divine idea that all things were equal and no animal, including man, held dominion over other parts of creation.

"Come, Ye Thankful People, Come" is considered to be one of the most choice harvest and thanksgiving hymns in all of the hymnals of Christian singing.

The hymn writer, Henry "Dean" Alford, is regarded as a gifted, Christian leader of the 19th century, a distinguished theologian and scholar.

The Indians were not violent savage people as they would make you think in a lot of American History books and schools. The Indians were those that believed in Nature and protection of animals and other people.
In other words, they worshiped the Earth instead of Jesus and therefore could not have a soul.

The Indians were amazing in many ways. They did not kill just to be killing or kill for lands and power as the USA does. They were brave warriors that fought hard to try to keep their families safe and worked together to share and provide food, clothing and shelter to each other.

Now, maybe we see why some more peaceful countries do not celebrate America's Thanksgiving Day. I myself am always sad on Thanksgiving when I think of what has been done and wonder what it would have been like if not for the sad slaughter of the beautiful Indians.

Every Thanksgiving you will find Leigh Girl doing a live Peace Paint in memory of the Indians that were slaughtered then and through history. This is a sad event and her way of saying that she is sorry for what injustice has been done in the past to such beautiful people. You can find her website at if you wish to book mark that and get in to see this yearly event.

Now, our America has people killing each other for money and no reason at all on a daily basis. People stealing from each other, homeless people that few seem to try to really help.

The world is nothing like it should be, and nothing like what it was like, when the Indians lived freely and cared for the lands and each other. The USA takes over lands from others and steals their resources still while telling lies and spreading American hate.

Is this what we really have become and really want to show our children? Look at your news and media then look to other countries and translate their news. Find the facts on everything before you judge people or agree with slaughter of people anywhere.

The USA has taken many lives for no reason and it breaks my heart and gives me great shame to say that I am of the USA. Still to this day I can not stand to see their flags fly for it breaks my heart and reminds me of past and present events."

Peaceful countries do not celebrate Thanksgiving.

American Indians, also known as the People of the Land, traditionally and historically believed, humans were created to be caretakers of the garden -- Mother Earth. They held all things of creation sacred and respected Nature.

Never take more than we need;
Thank Creator for what we have or what we will receive;
Use all of what we have;
Give away what we do not need.

Native Americans were environmental communists.

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