Thursday, June 12, 2008

Europe's Principal Enemy

By Robert Thompson
Jun 8, 2008, 07:32
Courtesy Of

When I was a young man, in the 1950's, I was an enthusiastic volunteer Officer in the Army Reserve, and I still think that I was right so to be, when our principal enemy threatening us all in Europe, and any liberties which we might have had, was the Soviet Union. However, after the death of Stalin (Josif Vissarionovitch Dzhugashvili) in 1953, the direct military threat gradually lessened, despite such events as the crushing of the attempts at self determination by the Hungarians in 1956, the Czechs and the Slovaks in 1968 and the Poles in 1981, and it finally went away in 1989, when the Berlin Wall came down.

The unification of Germany in 1990 was the point in time when NATO ceased any longer to have any useful purpose, and the USA should then also have withdrawn its troops from Europe where they no longer served any purpose for the benefit either of the USA themselves or of the member nations in Europe. The subsequent enlargement of NATO has done nothing for Europe but has greatly offended the rulers of the Russian Federation, who had, in the main, released the nations which had previously suffered within its iron grip.

Despite its expansionist past, the Peoples Republic of China has not shown signs of wishing to expand even further its own territories, but (like many other countries) it still tries strongly to influence its neighbours and to use them as buffers against any foreign attempt at influence in internal Chinese affairs. It has not, so far as I can see, shown any desire to threaten us beyond doing all that it can to ensure the survival of régimes which will provide it with the raw materials which it wishes to import as cheaply as possible. In so doing it follows the traditional capitalist pattern of behaviour, and as history has shown us so often this frequently leads to very serious injustices for the ordinary people in these other lands.

Following the events of the 1990's in Eastern Europe, it seemed for a short moment that we in Europe would have a period without any seriously worrying enemies. However, nothing had been done to undo the imperialistic mischief of the British and French Empires which had most arrogantly carved up parts of the former Ottoman Empire into spheres of influence and had allowed, with the self-interested connivance (and indeed sponsorship) of both the Soviet Union and the USA, the establishment of a colonial régime in Palestine by invaders from Europe and the Americas. These past imperialist follies had, not unnaturally, inspired, created and maintained strong anti-"western" feelings in the indigenous peoples of the area, which we often refer to as the Near and Middle East and also in North Africa, despite the decolonisation which had taken place in many countries.

We have no genuine quarrel with the Arab world, which now has the redoubtable task of improving the lot of all its peoples, but many of our weaker supposed leaders are only too willing to follow in the wake of successive administrations in the USA which wish to control and use corrupt puppets in many of these countries to rob the latter of their wealth and ability to advance. Neither does there seem to be any reason for any hostility towards Iran, despite its strange constitutional arrangements similar to those in place in the USA, since it will surely evolve if left alone to develop better institutions, without any threat of outside interference. The only conceivable effect of any such threats is to build greater support for the current régime, especially among the young who predominate in Iran.

We Europeans no longer have any stupid desire to invade or control other parts of the world, since history has shown us how impossible that is, but we face daily attempts by the new imperialists who have recently exercised their tyranny over the USA, since they wish to subject us and our way of life to their corporate rule. Thus, just as we were hoping to have no more enemies, we find ourselves under attack economically, militarily and culturally from across the Atlantic.

This new war being waged against us seems to have the support of those who lead both the Republican and Democratic Parties and is intensifying as time goes by. By "us" I mean all the lands and nations spread out around, and centred on, our Mediterranean and stretching as far as Iceland in the north, Iran and the Caucasus in the east, the great Sahara to the south and the Atlantic to the west. Very sadly, our own Quisling "leaders" seem far too prone to wishing to bask in the approval of successive régimes once they have moved into the White House, and prominent politicians in the USA are still doing all that they can to crush any form of resistance on our part of the kind which we valued so greatly during the Second World War.

Others are suffering the same fate, and we can see the desire of these same tyrants to bring into abject subjection all other nations in the Americas, and as many as possible in Africa and Asia, although even imperialists as greedy as these seem to realise their powerlessness when faced with China and the Indian sub-continent.

The long-lasting régime which rules the USA through its two complicit major political parties has thus become, through its own fault and choice for wishing to subjugate us, our new principal enemy. On our part, we have to take care to distinguish between these rulers and the ordinary people of the USA whose lot is at present even worse than ours. We have no reason to object to the improvement of the lot of the ordinary man or woman in the street in the USA, indeed we would welcome it, but we have every ground to resist with all our strength the attempts of their rulers to extend their tyranny to our lands.

Let us then be clear who our enemy is, and extend our compassion to the ordinary people of the USA, who have, for many years, been suffering under this oppressive régime, which we should do all that we can to help them overthrow. I am not advocating violence, but the mass of people within the USA should be helped to discard their old rulers and live in greater liberty using all peaceable means which are available to them.

In November they should have had the chance to break the stranglehold of their ruling clique by voting for a new president, but, in the manner which they criticise when applied in Iran, the rulers have made sure that the Republican and Democratic candidates for the presidency should first pass the vital test of loyalty towards the present tyranny, exemplified by their having to be approved by AIPAC.

The only slight glow of light in the campaign now under way is that Mr Ralph Nader might once again try swimming against the tide to bring democracy to the USA, and we can only wish him well, while appreciating what a mammoth task he is undertaking. If he or anyone else inspired by his courage could succeed, our principal enemy would be vanquished and the world could breathe more easily.

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