The Real 9/11 Hijackers and Their Symphony Of Destruction
Symphony Of Our Countries Destruction
First we would like to make a statement:
Symphony Of Our Countries Destruction
First we would like to make a statement:
There are many conspiracy theories out there right now about September 11, 2001 and basically five different views on it.-----------
1. There are some who still never heard of the theories out there and this is VERY important for them!
2. Too many people are still hung up on the "OMG! It's just a conspiracy theory and therefore NOT true!"
3. There are some who WANT to know the truth, but are blind sided by the many websites and information and MISinformation that is available so they simply give up trying to figure it out.
4. There are many people who recognize the discrepancies in the "official 9/11 Commission Report" and are willing to reach out and research it for themselves, and we applaud them!
5. And last, there are people like US. People who cleared their mind of the tainted words "CONSPRIRACY THEORY" and made a sound judgment to look further into the information. Pretty much DOVE into the information. This set of people looked for the more realistic information and realized THERE IS SOMETHING VERY WRONG HERE and feel compelled to get this out to everyone!
Put away your 2 thoughts people and listen up! This section is dedicated to exposing the TRUTH in an easy to understand, well thought out information....all glitz and glamour put aside!
We understand there are lots of groups out there who whistle blow about so many "conspiracies" that they don't seem that credible to you. But just because they are what most call "conspiracy theory nut balls" (NOT my term btw) does NOT mean they are wrong about 9/11!!!
Here is where we MUST be harsh...
YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DISMISS ANYTHING about 9/11 until you have done ALL OF THE RESEARCH!! I cannot stress this enough!! We are laying it all out for you right here...RIGHT NOW.
IF you have NOT looked into it, how in the world can you say you KNOW the truth?
Please review the provided materials at www.DJLena.com and then make an informed decision.
Thank you,
Lena and Joe
Owners and operators of www.djlena.com
Lyrics by: MEGADETH
You take a mortal man,
And put him in control
Watch him become a god,
Watch peoples heads aroll
Just like the pied piper
Led rats through the streets
We dance like marionettes,
Swaying to the symphony...
Of destruction
Acting like a robot,
Its metal brain corrodes.
You try to take its pulse,
Before the head explodes.
The earth starts to rumble
World powers fall
Awarring for the heavens,
A peaceful man stands tall
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