October 14, 2007
Rep. Diane Watson
A member of the audience at a Townhall Meeting in LA confronts Congresswoman Watson and a retired general with Walt and Mearsheimer's book and demands a response from both as to why America should support dividing Iraq for the benefit of Israel.
Below Is A Transcript:
The problem you have in America now is that you have the pro-Israel lobby, that Walt and Mearsheimer have written about in their best selling book "The Israel Lobby" and US foreign Policy . . . again, it's on the best seller list . . . there's basically a media blackout of it . . . but, until we address this issue - both parties are owned by the AIPAC Lobby - the American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee."Rep Watson - Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy:
And I have a British parliamentarian now who is a former British defense [minister] and he's willing to address the book in the House of Commons.
Now, I presented this question to congresswoman Harman last week and she dodged it.
If I give you the book right here, congresswoman Watson, would you address the book like I've got people in the UK to do in the British government?
[passes book over to Watson, who by then is squirming at her seat on the panel]
And lastly, I've given Maxine Waters James Bamford's "A Pretext for War" book as well, last year. It conveys how we went to war for Israel.
And the question I have for General Eaton is, sir - the plan that you are talking about with congressman Biden, that's just the old Israeli plan by Oded Yinon of divide and conquer the enemies of Israel - you can read about it on the web.
Why should we fractionalize an Arab country for the benefit of Israel? We have so much intermarriage there between shia and sunni, that it's not going to work.
We have to get out of Iraq, and get out of Iraq NOW."
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