Wednesday, October 26, 2011

U.S. Debated Life Or Death For Qaddafi

Compiled By "CavalierZee"

Keep This Statement In Mind: "During a meeting with members of the NATO-rebels' TNC in Libya on Tuesday, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Washington wants to see Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi captured or killed."

MARK LANDLER of  "The New York Times" [Published: October 24, 2011], writes:

Last Wednesday evening, ...As part of an exercise to game out Libya’s futurethe White House convened a 90-minute meeting to tackle a looming, delicate question: What should be done with the Libyan dictator?..The national security adviser, Tom Donilon, instituted the planning meetings in March, the same month Mr. Obama decided on a limited role in the NATO air campaign to support the rebels.
The group, consisting of officials from the State Department, Justice Department, the Pentagon and other agencies, broke into smaller teams to focus on specific problems..
When anti-Qaddafi forces swarmed into the capital in late August, Mr. Chollet said, the group had already set out the top 10 decisions that the president needed to make

Some of those plans were (according to the article):

Mrs. Clinton, officials said, laid out the options for Libya, explaining the principles behind the International Criminal Court,... She told the Libyan officials that the decision of where to hold a trial was up to them.
The United States is offering the Libyans help in putting in place a justice system that could handle a trial of that magnitude.
Putting the colonel on trial, either in Libya or The Hague, was one of a host of situations for which the administration planned
It also made plans for how the international community should react if Colonel Qaddafi obtained sanctuary in a third country, like Chad or Equatorial Guinea.
- Others included securing chemical weapons and portable antiaircraft missiles 
The killing of Colonel Qaddafi, they said, was one of the three scenarios considered last Wednesday.
Less than 24 hours later, ... Colonel Qaddafi was dead
Below, we see how Hillary is euphoric at the news of Qaddafi's death.

Like Hannibal Smith (of the A-Team) says: "I love it when a plan comes together!"

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