Sunday, January 25, 2009

UN: Israel Hit Future Palestinian State Infrastructure

Ging: 'There is more and more anger growing'
UNRWA chief callas for 'credible and independent investigation' on Israel's assault on Gaza.
First Published 2009-01-23
Courtesy Of Middle-East-Online
GENEVA - Israel destroyed the infrastructure of a future Palestinian state during its recent offensive in the Gaza Strip, the head of the UN relief agency for Palestinian refugees said Friday.

"There has been so much destruction here, not just to housing... but to the infrastructure of the future state," UNRWA operations chief John Ging said in a conference call with journalists in Geneva.

Ging said there was a need to establish accountability "for why the Israeli air force hit infrastructure of the state of Palestine rather than the infrastructure of terror, whatever that may be."

A large proportion of the destruction in Gaza involved industrial facilities and ministries belonging to the Palestinian Authority, according to Ging.

A "credible and independent investigation" on the violence would also help to defuse tensions and re-establish faith in the rule of law, he underlined. "There is more and more anger growing."
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has called for those responsible for bombing UN compounds and buildings to be held accountable, while rights watchdog Amnesty International is examining the type of Israeli weaponry used in civilian areas.

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