Thursday, January 03, 2008

"Get Rid Of Muslims"

"[Rudy's] got I believe the knowledge and the judgement to attack one of the most difficult problems in current history and that is the rise of the Muslims, and make no mistake about it, this hasn't happened for a thousand years. These people are very dedicated and they're also very very smart in their own way. We need to keep the feet to the fire and keep pressing these people until we defeat or chase them back to their caves or in other words get rid of them."

--There was a shake-up in Giuliani's New Hampshire campaign after a co-chair of the state's Veterans for Rudy told a British newspaper that Americans need to chase Muslims "back to their caves."

--John Deady, told The Guardian of London, "We need to . . . keep pressing these people until we defeat or chase them back to their caves or, in other words, get rid of them."

---When asked if he was referring to all Muslims, Deady told the paper, "I don't subscribe to the principle that there are good Muslims and bad Muslims."

--Deady added that he "wasn't necessarily referring to genocide."
Giuliana Official - Elimante Muslims (Ethnic Cleansing)

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