Tuesday, July 17, 2007

British Terror

By Margaret Kimberley
Bar Editor and Senior Columnist
Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Tony Blair is out as British Prime Minister, but remains an unrepentant racist and sub-imperialist poodle.

He has been given a new job, as Middle East "peace envoy." What a joke.

How can a man who took an unwilling nation into war against Iraq become a peace envoy?

Blair is the worst of the lot, a kiss-ass to George Bush who has placed his country in the cross-hairs of worldwide Muslim anger.
Blair has elevated state terror to a level of British national identity - the terror that superpowers exert on smaller peoples - and now the chickens are coming home to roost, with a British label.
Yet the criminal complains, "Why should anyone feel angry about us?"
"What's more, British troops are risking their lives trying to prevent the killing. Why should anyone feel angry about us? Why aren't they angry about the people doing the killing?" - former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
Why is anyone angry at Britain?
Perhaps it is because the British are some of the people doing the killing. Maybe they are angry because Tony Blair left office proclaiming the rightness of occupying Iraq and killing 600,000 people.
Those crazy Arabs and Muslims, they get mad at the strangest things.

It is an understatement to say that Tony Blair left office as Prime Minister of Great Britain under a cloud. He followed George W. Bush like a poodle, or perhaps more like a toad.

Former president Jimmy Carter assigned blamed to Blair along with Bush for causing America's increasing unpopularity throughout the world.
"It's a shameful and pitiful state of affairs and I hold your British Prime Minister to be substantially responsible for being so compliant and subservient."
"Blair followed George W. Bush like a poodle, or perhaps more like a toad."

Blair is shameless in his belief that killing human beings is acceptable as long as it is done by a government run by white people.

Not content to have spent the last six years following Bush like a little shadow, Blair didn't even have the decency to disappear into the sunset and shut up.

After giving Britons a collective sigh of relief upon leaving number 10 Downing Street, Blair again began running for new offices.

After rumors of a Carlyle Group corner office and a European union presidency, Blair assumed the role of Middle East peace envoy.
He will represent Europe, the United States, Russia and the United Nations while simultaneously keeping the rest of the world from laughing or loosing their lunch at the prospect of a true believer in occupation and empire being an honest broker for peace.
The Arab world was unimpressed with Blair's desperate desire to remain employed and a center of world attention.
The Syrian newspaper Tishrin asked,

"How could a liar, who is directly connected with Washington and who is a staunch proponent of the extremist rightist ideology, be a peace envoy?" (*link Tishrin)

Good question.
The damage done by Tony Blair's actions will not disappear over night.
The failed attacks in London and suicide car bombing in Glasgow were reminders that the British have a long way to go in disentangling themselves from Uncle Sam.

The bombings that took place on July 7, 2005 and the recent attempts remind the world that "fighting them over there" does little good in preventing attacks "over here."

When leaders "over here" show contempt for humanity and their right to live, they can't expect peaceful outcomes on their own soil.
Reaction to the terror plots was typically racist and asinine.

Arabs and Muslims were depicted as the only crazed fanatics on earth, when in fact white Christians and Jews are causing more death and destruction than anyone else.
Not only did Blair have the unmitigated gall to claim that he can now be a peace maker, but he disgracefully thumped the bible on his way out the door.

As he left office in a whirl of last minute attention seeking he also announced that he had converted to Catholicism.
While Blair was allowed to profess piety with a straight face, many British Muslims again felt compelled to express their opposition to terror and disassociate their religion from it.

Will British Christians and Jews ever be asked to make similar denunciations?

Will Catholics be asked to denounce Blair and his terrorist acts?

The Archbishop of Canterbury ought to tell the world that he too denounces war and that it is supremely unchristian.
War waged by governments is as much a terrorist act as a suicide bombing.

The victims of soldiers' bullets and bombs dropped from planes suffer as much as anyone caught in a suicide bombing.

Every terror act or even failed act in Britain is an omen for America.

Eight years elapsed between attacks on the World Trade Center. It would be the height of arrogance and denial to think that September 11, 2001 would be the last time that Americans would lose their lives because of anger and hatred directed at their government.

Unfortunately the object of Blair's affection still resides in the White House.

He has adamantly declared that withdrawing from Iraq will be his successor's problem.

Unless he or Dick Cheney are impeached they will find a rationale for bombing Iran.

Americans will have to live with the threat of terror unless their leaders forsake empire building.
The prospect is terrifying, but no more so than for Iraqis or Afghans.

There is some justice involved after all. However, it is unlikely that any lessons will be learned.

Blair's clueless question, "Why should anyone feel angry about us?" is sadly shared by millions of people in his country and in the United States.
Margaret Kimberley's Freedom Rider column appears weekly in BAR. Ms. Kimberley lives in New York City, and can be reached via e-Mail at Margaret.Kimberley@BlackAgandaReport.Com .

Ms. Kimberley' maintains an edifying and frequently updated blog at freedomrider.blogspot.com.

More of her work is also available at her Black Agenda Report archive page.

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