War Crimes Report Advertised In Military Times Newspapers
By Nick Mottern,
“U.S. War Crimes in Iraq and Mechanisms for Accountability” is being advertised for the month of December in the classified sections of the weekly newspapers Army, Navy, Marine and Air Force Times, published by Military Times. The newspapers are distributed to all U.S. military bases around the world and are read by an estimated 1 million military people, according to a Military Times advertising representative.
“We felt that the people who are ordered to fight in Iraq, and those who support U.S. presence Iraq, ought to know of the opportunity to learn about the many ways in which the United States has violated and continues to violate international law there,” said Nick Mottern, Director of ConsumersforPeace.org, publisher of the war crimes report.
The report, published in October, 2006, has been endorsed, with entries in its forward, by historian Howard Zinn; journalist Dahr Jamail; former Army officer and peace worker Ann Wright; Neil MacKay, Scottish journalist and the Sunday Herald's multi-award winning Home Affairs and Investigations Editor; ;and Kathy Kelly, co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Non-Violence.
Ten international websites have published the report.
A direct download link:
Consumers for Peace
Association of Humanitarian Lawyers
Traprock Peace Center
Voices for Creative Nonviolence:
Information Clearing House
Socialist Worker newspaper
The Brussells Tribunal (for International Anti-Occupation Network)
Stop the War Coalition (UK)
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