Friday, September 01, 2006

The Ministry Of Pre-Crime

--Bliar To Tackle 'Menace' Children--

Courtesy Of:
By: BBC News
RunTime: 16 Minutes

Tomorrow's Potential Troublemakers Can Be Identified Even Before They Are Born.

Mr Blair said it was possible to spot the families whose circumstances made it likely their children would grow up to be a "Menace To Society."

He said teenage mums and problem families could be forced to take help to head off difficulties.

He said the government had to intervene much earlier to prevent problems developing when children were older.

There could be SANCTIONS for parents who refused to take advice, he said.

Mr Blair told BBC News his government had made "Massive Progress" in takling social exclusion but there was a group of people with multiple problems.

There had to be intervention "PRE-BIRTH EVEN," he said.

But he said:

"If we are not prepared to PREDICT and INTERVENE far more early then there are children who are growing up--in families which we know are dysfunctional--and the kids a few years down the line are going to be a menace to society and actually a threat to themselves."

Anastasia de Waal, head of the family and education unit at think tank Civitas, said:

"It is teetering on genetic determinism this kind of saying that before children are even born they are labelled as problematic."

Video Interview:

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