Sunday, August 20, 2006

China Tells The US To: Shut UP!

Courtesy Of: Yahoo News
By: Agence France-Presse
Thursday August 17, 2006

China's ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, throwing diplomatic language to the wind, has told the United States in no uncertain terms to "Shut up and keep quiet" on the subject of Beijing's growing military spending.

...Responding to Jitters within the Bush administration about Beijing's spiraling military budget, Sha said the United States itself accounts for half of the entire world's military spending.

"The China population is six times or five times that of the United States," he said. "Why blame China...It's better for the US to shut up an keep quiet. It's much, much better."

His voice rising, Sha continued:

"It's the US's sovereign right to do whatever they deem good for them...But don't tell us what is good for China. Thank you very much!"


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