The Shame Of The European Union
Courtesy Of: AxisOfLogic.com
By Roberts Thompson
May 18, 2006
Both Mr Mahmoud Abbas and various spokespersons from Hamas made it clear to the European Union that its action in refusing aid to the Palestinians is a particularly cruel manner of supporting oppression.
However this is not the end of the shame, since it was member states of the Union which created the situation whereby this invasion and persecution of the inhabitants of Palestine was achieved and these defenceless people were delivered into the hands of their enemies.
Following the infamous Sykes-Picot Pact in 1916, whereby the French and British decided how they would carve up parts of the Ottoman Empire after it fell apart, the United Kingdom government made the even more indefensible Balfour Declaration in 1917 disposing of the lands and homes of others without any consultation whatsoever of the population.
They even used the old chestnut of "a land without a people for a people without a land," without any thought of the well-known fact that it was a well-populated country.
Germany has since the war very crudely tried to salve its conscience regarding the Nazi atrocities committed against those whom it classified as "Jews," (using the Marr/Herzl definition rather than that of the Rabbis) by supporting the variation on Nazism developed by the Zionists, i.e. a complete disregard for the rights of those whom they considered, and still consider to be "Untermenschen."
This shows a crazy lack of logic in that every kind of dehumanisation of any other people is as evil as any other, and genuine religious Jews must regard with horror this hideous misuse and distortion of their wonderful religious traditions.
Also, the Germans should think back more carefully to their own past and the ruination brought about by Hitler's regime.
It was shocking to see and hear Mrs Merkel giving such strong support to Mr Bush's criminal desires to break the spirit of the Palestinian people to please his Zionist "best friends" and "allies" in the world.
Since she was brought up mainly in the former DDR, she should think back not only to the Nazis but also to the post-war regime which produced the Stasi.
Other states in the European Union than the United Kingdom, France and Germany must have made pathetically feeble excuses to their peoples, or have suffered serious pressure, to approve the cutting off of an aid which is a small recompense for the harm caused to the Palestinians by Europe, including many of these other states.
Our different governments' collective shame arises from their having swallowed, or having pretended to swallow, the propaganda which leaves out of consideration the existing truce which Hamas declared long before the recent election, and nevertheless insists that it should declare that the Zionists have the right to steal the remainder of the land which was Palestine, by recognising this amorphous but expansionist state.
It is our shame that so many in Europe allow our governments to carry on with this disastrous policy, without complaining more effectively.
Furthermore, the British people, above all, can be blamed for allowing Mr Blair and his Bushist (or Neo-Fascist) government to be re-elected by the "vast majority" of voters claimed by Mr Blair.
Mr Blair's grasp of mathematics permitted him to claim that electoral support of well under 40% was both a majority and a clear mandate to continue with his nefarious policies.
It is now our duty to reclaim our proper pride in Justice and democracy by rejecting these evil governments to end forever the shame which they brought upon us.
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